Hmm: The Power of Silence

Hmm: The Power of Silence

    ‘Hmm’: The Power of Silence The History of ‘Hmm’ ‘Hmm’ is a Korean-based lifestyle brand that was first introduced to the world in 2015. The brand’s unique identity is inspired by the power of silence and how it can help to live a more mindful and fulfilling life. The founder of the brand,…

카카오, 인공지능, 메신저의 결합으로 디지털 금융의 미래를 열다

카카오, 인공지능, 메신저의 결합으로 디지털 금융의 미래를 열다

    카카오, 인공지능, 메신저의 결합으로 디지털 금융의 미래를 열다 카카오의 역사 카카오는 2010년에 창업된 회사로, 이전에는 대표적인 검색 엔진인 다음과 함께 국내 검색시장을 대동하고 있었습니다. 그러나 카카오는 2010년 3월 선보인 카카오톡을 기점으로 성장을 이루며 인스턴트 메신저(IM) 시장에서 최강자로 자리 잡았습니다. 이를 계기로 카카오톡 내에서 카카오페이, 카카오뱅크등 디지털 금융 서비스를 선보이고 있으며, 인공지능(AI) 기술을 통한…

Arlington Investment 7% Review

Arlington Investment 7% Review

    ‘Arlington Asset Investment Corp 7.00%’ Review Introduction ‘Arlington Asset Investment Corp 7.00%’ is an investment firm that specializes in acquiring and holding a diversified portfolio of residential mortgage-backed securities. The company was founded in 1989 and currently operates from its headquarters in McLean, Virginia. History Arlington Asset Investment Corp was founded in 1989…

Alcoa Corp Stock Info

Alcoa Corp Stock Info

    Alcoa Corp Stock Info Alcoa Corp Stock Info History of Alcoa Corporation Alcoa Corporation is a global leader in the production of bauxite, alumina, and aluminum products. The company was founded in 1888 and has since grown to operate across more than 10 countries. It has a rich history of innovation, including the…